See how a University of Nairobi student who was having an affair with MIKE SONKO defended him!

 Friday, February 5, 2021 – Former University of Nairobi Student leader, Anne Mvurya, has protested over how the government is harassing former Nairobi Governor, Mike Sonko.

For the last one week, the state machinery has been unleashed on Sonko, who is currently cooling his heels at the Gigiri Police Station.

The former governor, who touched the live wire when he alleged that he used to smoke bhang with President Uhuru Kenyatta, is being charged with robbery with violence, terrorism and other 10 petty offences.

Now, Mvurya, who is alleged to be Sonko’s clandestine lover, said the charges levelled against the former governor were politically motivated and selectively applied.

The youthful politician argued the allegation by the prosecution that Sonko was in possession of military fatigue was unfounded and maliciously crafted, noting even Jubilee women leaders wore military regalia during campaigns and no action was or has ever been taken to date.

“In Kenya, we have politicization of justice, justice is only being applied politically. If we had justice in Kenya, the issues that are coming up against former governor Mike Sonko about robbery with violence, assault, military regalia and so forth could have come up earlier.

“When the Jubilee government was campaigning for the second time, we saw women leaders wear military regalia as though they were going to fight, why haven’t they been charged?” She posed.

Mvurya also raised concerns over the decision by the court to delay the ruling on the ex-governor’s bail application, noting some powerful individuals were pulling the strings to ensure the suspect continues to suffer in the hands of the police.

She challenged the Judiciary to stand firm and refuse to be used by state operatives to deny citizens the justice they deserve.

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