Sisi apana tambua wewe! SONKO stripped of his VIP status and forced to remove one shoe and belt just like other hardcore criminals before being locked up

 Thursday, February 4, 2021 – Flamboyant former Governor for Nairobi, Mike Sonko, was on Tuesday reduced to a nobody after he was subjected to humiliation before being put in jail.

According to police officers in the know, Sonko was ushered into the police cells at around 4.15 pm after undergoing police procedures.

He was stripped of his VIP status and was subjected to removing one shoe and his belt.

Inside the cells, Sonko met another five suspects who had been brought in for different offences.

Only his family, doctor and lawyer were allowed to visit the former governor. 

After leaving Gigiri Police Station, the former Nairobi Governor was arraigned at the Kiambu Law Courts on Wednesday and thereafter transferred briefly to the Kamiti Maximum Prison.

He was later charged at the Kahawa West Law Courts where he faced terrorism charges before being transferred back to Gigiri Police Station. 

E! News Blog

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