Stop scamming Turkana people! You are the problem that is ailing them – RAILA tells Governor JOSEPHAT NANOK point blank

 Monday, February 8, 2021 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has dismissed the remarks by Turkana Governor Josephat Nanok that the Building Bridges Initiative will not help Turkana, saying the governor was lying to his own people.

Speaking in Turkana yesterday during a church service that was also attended by Nanok, Raila told Nanok to stop scamming poor Turkanas by misrepresenting BBI and its contents, and instead tell people the truth about BBI and the goodies it will bring.

He accused the governor of joining forces with political leaders with questionable characters, like Deputy President William Ruto, who only knows how to steal from the public.

 "If you want to oppose BBI, then come out clearly and we face one another at the ballot.”

“You (Nanok) are my friend, and if you had a problem, why didn’t you come to me instead of joining Tangatanga?’’ he said

Nanok had threatened to abandon Raila and his BBI to join Ruto and the like-minded because the views of the Turkana residents and leaders were not captured in the BBI constitutional amendment proposal.

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