This is what KDF told UHURU and MURATHE after they told them to evict DP RUTO from his official Karen residence

 Friday, February 26, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta and Jubilee Party Vice-chairman, David Murathe, are reportedly spending sleepless nights planning how to evict Deputy President William Ruto from his Karen office.

 According to former State House blogger, Dennis Itumbi, Uhuru, who is the Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces, started planning how to evict Ruto from his Karen residence in August 2020.

Itumbi said Uhuru, through his henchmen, approached two senior military officers and urged them to go to Karen and force the DP to resign.

However, the military officers turned down his request and said the Kenyan military remains professional and neutral.

“IN 2020 August, HNIB picked up random raw info that some Political operatives were planning to force DP Ruto to resign. (The Bureau could not verify, so we held it. Until Jubilee vice-Chair gave us a reason last night to reflect and re-open)

The idea was to get Military officers who border the DP official residence to get into Karen with a Resignation letter for the DP to sign.

By the time you wake up in the morning, there would be Breaking News of a resignation.

At the time, our informers claimed that the first two military officers’ approached had a firm response, “The Military will remain. Professional and neutral,” Itumbi wrote on his Facebook page.

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