UHURU and RAILA in shock as MCAs demand Sh500,000 each in addition to Sh2miillion bribe to pass BBI or else…

 Sunday, February 14, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta may regret bribing MCAs with Sh2 million car grant to pass BBI.

This is after Members of County Assembly (MCAs) from the Western Region demanded an additional Ksh 500,000 each in order to pass BBI.

The MCAs have further demanded that the Ksh2 million car grant awarded by the president be released by Monday next week.

The MCAs from Kakamega, Bungoma, Vihiga and Busia counties warned that if their demands are not met, they will shoot down BBI when it gets to the region.

Vihiga MCA Tom Adingo said that the ward representatives are flat broke, and must be compensated to polarize the document in the region.

“We don’t have money to conduct public participation, and you cannot just go to the people empty-handed,” said Adingo.

The MCAs maintained that the Ksh300,000 promised by President Kenyatta for facilitation was not enough, and asked the governors to top up the amount to Ksh500,000, at least.

The MCAs spoke at an event attended by Western leaders led by; Amani National Congress (ANC) party Musalia Mudavadi, Devolution Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa, governors Wilbur Ottichilo (Vihiga), Sospeter Ojaamong (Busia), Wycliffe Wangamati (Bungoma) and Ford Kenya leader Moses Wetang’ula.

The Western leaders urged the MCAs to speak in one voice and ensure the BBI Bill is passed in the region.

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