UHURU and RAILA promised us money to pass BBI and we can’t pass the document without Sh 500,000 cash in our bank accounts – LUHYA MCAs

 Monday, February 15, 2021 – There was drama in Kakamega County on Saturday after hundreds of MCAs accused President Uhuru Kenyatta and Opposition leader, Raila Odinga, of not honouring the promise of ‘bribing’ them with Sh 500,000 cash each to pass the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI).

The meeting held at the Golf Hotel in Kakamega was meant to rally the ward reps to support the Constitutional review through the BBI.

However, rowdy MCAs kept chanting the word money as some said they had been promised.

 “You have been flying in choppers holding BBI meetings where you never gave MCAs a chance to speak now you have come back to us,” they said.

Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya also found himself in trouble with the journalists after he attempted to deny them a chance to cover speeches by ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi and his Ford Kenya counterpart, Moses Wetangula.

Oparanya ordered his county enforcement officers to eject the media from the function before inviting the two to speak in what was interpreted as a scheme to give the two a media blackout at the function.

The MCAs vowed not to pass the document unless Uhuru and Raila deposit Sh500,000 cash in their bank accounts.

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