Unbowed RUTO tears BBI into pieces yet again as he incites Coast to reject it – This guy will give UHURU and RAILA heart attack

 Friday, February 5, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto has once again taken a swipe at the Building Bridges Initiative, which is being spearheaded by President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM leader, Raila Odinga, saying it is a selfish document.

Speaking yesterday in Lunga Lunga Constituency, Kwale, Ruto tore BBI into pieces, saying there is nothing good in it.

He said BBI was all about creating positions for a few leaders at the expense of addressing problems facing mwananchi.

“Youth lack of jobs.”

“Our focus is to create jobs to boost the economy."

“We are walking this journey together,” he said.

At the same time, the DP asked his supporters not to be scared by the alleged persecution of his allies, saying they have changed the political narrative to focus on the poor.

“We told them that we will change the political narrative in this country from a discussion about positions to the issues affecting the common man.”

“I’m happy that everywhere now the talk is about the wheelbarrow,” said Ruto.

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