Betray RAILA at your own peril! ORENGO now warns UHURU over a plot to betray BABA and the handshake

 Sunday, March 7, 2021 – Siaya Senator, James Orengo, has revealed a plot to sabotage the handshake and derail Raila Odinga’s presidential bid come 2022.

Speaking yesterday, Orengo, who is one of the closest allies of Raila, claimed that certain individuals in the Office of the President were keen to block the former prime minister from ascending to the presidency.

According to Orengo, Uhuru allies have been holding meetings at the Harambee House to shake up the handshake which Raila and Uhuru forged to end political differences after the hotly contested 2017 general elections.

“I want to warn some top civil servants paid by taxpayers’ money to stop meddling in the country’s political leadership,” Orengo said.

He equated the plot to the ones that happened during president Mwai Kibaki’s earlier days in office when the retired president’s handlers supported Amani National Congress (ANC) leader Musalia Mudavadi for the presidency over Raila but still lost.

He also added that similar strategies were used by some Kenyan mafia who wanted to prevent the late president Daniel Moi from ascending to power.

Orengo’s remarks come barely a day after Raila’s elder brother, Oburu Oginga, said that the former prime minister could still work with Deputy President William Ruto in the 2022 General Elections.

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