Chiefs to emcee all funeral ceremonies – UHURU’s Government now declares as it struggles to contain Covid-19

 Saturday, March 20, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Government has declared that chiefs will now be the master of ceremonies in all funeral ceremonies in the region.

This was revealed by Rift Valley Commissioner George Natembeya, who directed all chiefs in the region to take charge of funerals within their localities.

Natembeya was speaking in Nakuru yesterday while launching a crackdown on those flouting Covid-19 regulations in the Rift Valley region.

“Chiefs will be the ones calling family’s relatives to read the eulogy, then call the pastor to lead in prayer, until finally the deceased is buried,” Natembeya stated.

He further stated that a multi-agency task-force will start a crackdown to ensure compliance with the measures.

“Nobody should notify you of their meeting claiming that they have signed authorization letters from the police.”

“All political meetings are illegal as for now,” he added.

“The curfew hours remain from 10 pm to 4 am.”

“Anybody found outside their house past that time will face the law.”

“Bars should be closed by 9 pm,” he noted. 

His remarks come after President Uhuru Kenyatta banned public political rallies in the country for 30 days from March 12, 2021, as well as restricted burials in the country as a way of containing the spread of Covid-19.

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