Concerns over RAILA’s health after he accidentally exposed an oxygen machine in his latest PHOTO leaving his supporters worried


Friday, 26 March 2021 – ODM leader, Raila Odinga, has raised speculations among his supporters after he shared photos from his Karen residence and accidentally exposed an oxygen concentrator.

Raila has been away from the public after he tested positive for C0vid-19.

His doctors advised him to isolate himself and for the last 1 week, he has been holed up indoors at his palatial Karen home.

Although Raila looks as fit as a fiddle, an oxygen concentrator that was placed next to him left his supporters raising concern about his health status.

“Is that an oxygen concentrator” one of his supporters posed.

“Baba it seems all is not okay. We can spot an oxygen concentrator next to you. Quick recovery,” another one added.

Here’s the photo that has caused online reactions.

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