Covid-19 is real, brutal, and deadly! RAILA’s spokesman, PHILIP ETALE, opens up on his battle with the deadly virus

 Monday, March 22, 2021 – ODM Director of Communications, Philip Etale, has opened up on his battle with Covid-19 after recovering from the dreaded virus.

In a series of tweets, Etale said that he has been in isolation and medication since he tested positive for Covid-19, but despite his recovery, it has not been an easy journey.

“Dear friends, the last 10 days have been my LOWEST. Since I received POSITIVE Covid-19 results from Lancet Kenya PLK, Friday 12th, I have been in isolation as required by the MoH & WHO.”

“I have been on medicine, concoctions, steaming & healthy food. It hasn’t been easy.”

“When I received the result, I panicked. Dr. Ahmed Kalebi rang & broke the news to me ahead of the actual report being sent to me on email.”

“I was in a state of suspended animation. I had visited Lancet for a test when my body acted funny. I had fever with very tired joints.”

“After 7 days, I took another test, this time around with KEMRI Kenya. The results are out and I am NEGATIVE.”

“I thank God for walking me through the journey. I want to thank each & every one of you for your prayers, encouragement & suggestions that helped me beat the monster,” he said.

Philip Etale noted that Covid-19 infects everyone regardless of who you are, as he called on Kenyans to be cautious and adhere to the protocols set by the Ministry of Health, to help contain further spread.

 “I just want to urge us to be tolerant with each other.”

“Covid-19 doesn’t know race nor gender, colour nor language. It knows not anyone’s political affiliation.”

“To those who insulted me while in pain, I have forgiven you, to those I reacted to angrily, forgive me.”

“Corona is REAL. Will continue taking the precautions and stick strictly to the protocol of the MoH.”

“My appeal to all of us is, let’s avoid crowded places, let’s maintain social distance, wash our hands with soap and running water, sanitize, wear mask & above all, Trust in the Almighty God,” added Etale.

The ODM Director of Communications announced on March 13 that he had tested positive for Covid-19, a few days after ODM leader Raila Odinga announced that he had also tested positive.

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