COVID billionaire, IVY MINYOW, should be sent to prison – See how she protected MURATHE over the Sh 4 billion KEMSA scandal

 Thursday, March 11, 2021 – Ivy Minyow Onyango, the director of a company that was awarded the Sh4 billion contract to supply Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) at Kenya Medical Supplies Agency (KEMSA), has shocked a parliamentary committee after telling them that she cannot remember the signatories to the firm’s bank accounts.

Appearing before National Assembly‘s Public Investment Committee on Wednesday, Minyow, who is the sole director of Kilig Limited, told the committee that she had no information on the signatories to the company’s bank accounts at Equity Bank and SBM Bank.

“I need more time to go back to the bank and get the right information. I cannot remember who the signatories were because there was a joint venture for procurement of Covid-19 items. Give me two days to find out the bank signatories,” Minyow told the committee.

Kilig was awarded a Sh 4 billion tender for the procurement of 450,000 personal protective equipment (PPE) kits each valued at Sh9,000 to KEMSA. The supply deal was, however, canceled after queries were raised on how the contract was awarded.

Minyow claimed she could only recall that Kilig had accounts at the two bank accounts but did not know who their signatories were.

Impeccable sources say former Gatanga MP, David Murathe, is among cartels Minyow was protecting when she refused to reveal the names of the bank signatories.

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