DUALE tells KENYA POWER (KPLC) to explain why it charges Sh 17 extra per unit to consumers – This is daylight robbery

 Monday, March 29, 2021 – Garissa Township MP, Aden Duale, has questioned power purchase agreements between Kenya Power and Lighting Company(KPLC) and Independent Power Producers saying the rates are inflated.

On Friday last week, Duale sought a statement from the Energy ministry to shed light on the agreements, which brings an additional Sh17 per unit charged to consumers.

The MP says the power supply regime has regressive effects on the already overburdened taxpayers and businesses.

The Tanga Tanga lawmaker cited data indicating that KPLC procures electric power from independent electricity producers at an inflated rate of Sh23 per kilowatt-hour.

This, Duale said, compares lowly to the Sh0.5 per kilowatt-hour charged by KenGen.

The MP said he has reliable information that the IPPs normally purchase electricity from KenGen at 50 cents per kilowatt-hour before offloading it to Kenya Power at an inflated rate of Sh23 per kilowatt-hour.

In what may be the biggest scandal in the power sector, Duale said he has reliable information that cartels rake in over Sh100 million a month in power sales.

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