Former President Mwai KIBAKI still hospitalised at the Nairobi Hospital – See the dangerous disease he is battling

Monday, March 29, 2021 
– Doctors at
the Nairobi Hospital have confirmed that retired President Mwai Kibaki has been admitted at the facility for three weeks and only a few people are allowed to visit him.

The doctors, who requested anonymity, said Kibaki, 89, was admitted to the hospital on March 9.

Initially, he was being treated for what was described as low blood pressure but reports indicate he is being treated for a condition that affects his immune system.

“He is still hospitalized. He is in the VIP ward. Due to Covid-19, only his doctors and authorized visitors are allowed to see him,” said one of the doctors.

Kibaki has been in and out of the hospital and some of the ailments are linked to his old age and the accident he had in December 2002 at the Machakos Junction.

On January 20, 2004, he was admitted to the facility for what doctors said was a blood clot in his right leg. He was diagnosed with mild high blood pressure at the time. He was discharged eight days later.

In 2016, the former Head of State was flown to South Africa where he successfully underwent surgery on the carotid artery.

In September 2019, Kibaki was in London for a series of medical check-ups. His knee was also examined.

In June last year, Kibaki was in hospital after complaining of pain in the lower abdomen. 

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