GOD bless UHURU – See how he saved the life of Tanzania President JOHN POMBE MAGUFULI – This man was seeing death with his own eyes


Wednesday, March 10, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta is a man with a heart of gold going by what he did when Tanzania President John Pombe Magufuli contracted Covid-19 on Monday.

Magufuli, who appeared at the last public function on February 24 was isolating himself at his home and was taking a ‘concoction of herbs’ but his condition worsened and he was airlifted to the Nairobi Hospital on Monday evening.

Uhuru, who got the news of Magufuli’s sickness from the Tanzania Foreign Affairs Ministry, authorized the landing of a plane carrying Magufuli at Wilson Airport in Nairobi.

He was evacuated by an ambulance from Wilson to Nairobi Hospital. The Tanzania strongman is currently on a ventilator at the facility.

The gesture comes amid an uneasy relationship between Kenya and Tanzania that had degenerated into a trade war, with Dar es Salaam banning three Nairobi airlines from its airspace in January.

The new round of feud was apparently triggered by Kenya’s move to exclude Tanzanians from travellers exempted from mandatory Covid-19 quarantine protocol.

Kenya’s action was motivated by the fact that Tanzania has been lax in the fight against Covid-19, and has not instituted restrictive measures to curb the spread of the disease.

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