Has MANYORA been hired by Deep State to cheer UHURU’s regime like MUTAHI NGUNYI? – See his radical proposal regarding the 2022 presidential poll


Sunday, March 21, 2021 – University of Nairobi lecturer, Prof Herman Manyora, seems to be on the payroll of the ‘deep state’ like Mutahi Ngunyi going by his latest remarks about the 2022 presidential poll.

In his latest edition broadcasted on his Youtube channel, Manyora, who is a seasoned analyst familiar with Kenyan politics, said Kenyans should start having a conversation on how to postpone the 2022 presidential election.

“I invite Kenyans to have a national conversation around postponing the 2022 elections. Indeed we should postpone the general election,” Manyora said.

Manyara’s sentiments attracted wrath from Kenyans who accused him of being a stooge of the deep state.

Renowned Nairobi lawyer, Ahmednasir Abdullahi, was among Kenyans who reacted to Manyora’s speech, saying it is a shame for a professor like Manyora to call for postponement of the 2022 presidential poll knowing very well how Kenyans are suffering under the Jubilee Party regime.

ONLY in Kenya can a PROFESSOR argue…yes the government has DISMALLY FAILED, the economy is in TOTAL RUIN, poverty is RAVAGING the poor, the rule of law has COLLAPSED, corruption is RAMPANT…but postpone the 2022 elections and let JUBILEE GOVT rule FOREVER…only in KENYA,” Ahmednasir wrote on his Twitter page.

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