Here are the last words late MAGUFULI told his then Vice President SAMIA SULUHU before he died that have emboldened her – She doesn’t fear anyone now

 Tuesday, March 23, 2021 – Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan has revealed the very last words the late John Pombe Magufuli told her moments before he died.

Speaking during Magufuli’s State funeral at Jamhuri Stadium in Dodoma, Suluhu said Magufuli sent her away on errands even though he was dying.

According to her, Magufuli sent her to inspect various development projects they had promised their people and not to worry about his deteriorating health at all.

“Samia don’t worry about my health, go check out the projects we promised to deliver to the people, send my greetings and tell them I love them,” she recounted.

Suluhu revealed that as a routine, she had made a phone call to Magufuli during her official visit to Tanga and did not know those would be his last words.

The sixth Tanzanian president, a member of the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi party, said she was saddened she would no longer hear from Magufuli, read his messages or consult him ever again.

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