Here is a pastor who prophesied MAGUFULI’s death in 2019 – This man is a true servant of God (VIDEO)


Thursday, March 18, 2021 – Africa is currently mourning the death of Tanzania President John Pombe Magufuli who died on Wednesday.

Magufuli, 61, died of heart complications induced by Covid-19.

Magufuli, nicknamed the ‘bulldozer’, was loved across Africa due to his no-nonsense approach to corruption and also being an ideal Pan-Africanist.

In 2019, Pastor Ian Ndlovu of South Africa urged Tanzanians and the whole of Africa to pray for the late president Magufuli claiming that his (Magufuli) life was surrounded by enemies ready to pin him down.

In a video clip that has since gone viral, pastor Ndlovu revealed that God brought him a vision where he saw the Tanzania strongman seated on a chair while being surrounded by three armed men with arrows ready to shoot him.

The man of God hinted that the three armed men were jealous and uncomfortable with Magufuli’s wrath on corruption and his quick-wittedness in championing the development agendas of reviving Tanzania economy

Here is the video of the prophecy

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