I was the first child to shake President MOI’s hand in Nyanza – Controversial Kisii singer, EMBARAMBAMBA, says and denies he is mad


Tuesday, 02 March 2021 – Kisii gospel singer Christopher Musioma, famously known as, Embarambamba, is the talk of the town after his crazy videos went viral.

His controversial gospel videos have been trending on different social platforms, turning him into an overnight celebrity.

The singer, through his energetic gospel videos, jumps from trees, dives into maize fields and even rides on cows.

Some people have been calling him a mad man but speaking in a recent interview after his videos went viral, the father of 5 denied claims that he is mentally unstable as alleged by some people.

“I know some people are saying I am mad but I am not. Those who are saying so should support my talent,” he said.

Embarambamba said he realized he had a talent when he was in primary school.

He was the first pupil in Nyanza province (as it was known then) to shake hands with Former President Moi.

“Moi visited Kisii town to open the agricultural show. We were asked to stand by the roadside and greet him. As he passed by, I was dancing and lifting my leg in a zig-zag motion. Moi called me and shook my hand. I was the first pupil in Nyanza province (as it was then) to greet Moi, “the singer added.

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