JOE BIDEN’s government says AL-SHABAAB will blow one of the planes in Kenya’s airspace soon – CIA and FBI have intelligence

 Tuesday, March 2, 2021 – United States government has warned its citizens living in Kenya to minimize air travel since the Al-Shabaab militia is planning to attack Kenya’s airspace.

The US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) said the advisory is consistent with the fact that Somalia-based terrorist group remains in possession of weapons capable of hitting aircraft at low altitudes of up to 25,000 feet — putting at risk arrival and departure phases of flights, especially on the popular aviation route through northeastern Kenya and Somalia.

The air routes covered by the FAA warning include those connecting Nairobi and Far Eastern countries like Dubai (UAE), India and China, among other destinations serviced by major airlines.

Planes plying the routes overpass eastern Kenya counties such as Garissa and exit into neighbouring Somalia.

“The Kesom (FIR) to Mogdu (FIR), which is covered by the warning is a shorter and direct route from Nairobi to Far Eastern countries hence the reason airlines prefer it,” said a Kenyan aviation expert who demanded anonymity.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) are said to have intercepted communication of the Somali-based insurgency planning how to blow Kenyan planes.

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