Kenya will be in an economic meltdown following UHURU’s decision to lockdown Nairobi, Kiambu, Kajiado, Machakos, and Nakuru Counties – LOOK

 Friday, March 26, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta has today issued public order number 2 in response to the surge of coronavirus cases in the country.

Addressing the nation on Friday at State House, Nairobi, Uhuru partially locked down 5 counties namely Nairobi, Kajiado, Nakuru, Machakos, Kiambu, and Nakuru.

The curfew will also start at 8 pm and end at 4 am in these five counties.

This means that no movement will be allowed in and out of the counties while any gatherings have been suspended.

Now looking at where the country was back in April 2020 after the first lockdown, this is now another blow to poor Kenyans who will now have to hustle hard as the partial lockdown will undermine business.

The President should have at least considered reducing the burden for the common mwananchi and introduce tax reliefs and care packages for those affected.

Take for example the farmers or those selling farming products and have to get their supply from the rural areas to come and sell in Nairobi and the other counties.

This means that their businesses have been shut down indefinitely and there is no way they will run them without violating the law.

Secondly, the matatu industry is once again hurt after Kenyatta ordered that they now carry 60% of the passengers meaning that we are back to the socially distanced carrier services.

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