Kisii Senator, Prof. SAM ONGERI, reduced to a beggar after gambling his wealth – He recently lost Ksh 2 Million in a Casino.

 Friday, 05 March 2021 – Kisii Senator, Professor Sam Ongeri, is almost becoming bankrupt due to gambling addiction.

According to well-placed sources, the 83-year-old veteran politician spends most of his time in casinos gambling instead of bonding with his grandchildren like his age mates or doing something important that can improve the lives of his constituents.

A little bird whispered to us that the octogenarian Senator, who has never contributed to any meaningful bill in the Senate since he clinched the Senatorial seat, recently lost Ksh 2 Million while playing roulette in one of the high-end casinos in the city.

The dangerous gambling addiction that has bedeviled Ongeri is so bad that he wakes up friends in the middle of the night to beg for cash which he ends up squandering in casinos.

His addiction has put him at loggerheads with his family after he gambled a beach plot that he had bought in Mombasa County.

Some of his prime properties have been auctioned for failing to service loans since most of his money ends up in casinos.

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