Lawyer AHMEDNASIR ABDULLAHI gives RUTO priceless advice on teaming up with RAILA come 2022 – See what he said!


Monday, March 8, 2021 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga may be planning to work with Deputy President William Ruto in the 2022 General Election despite the bitter fallout following the controversial 2007 election. 

Gatundu South MP Moses Kuria was the first to broach the idea of Raila coalescing with Ruto in the 2022 election. He was followed by Raila’s brother, Oburu Odinga, who hinted that a deal between the two political foes could be in the offing ahead of 2022.

Renowned Senior Counsel, Ahmednasir Abdullahi, has given his two cents on the impending coalition and warned Ruto never to dare trust Raila ever again after betraying him once.

In a tweet, the constitutional lawyer said it will be disastrous for Ruto if Raila joins him as he will cause mayhem in their coalition.

“It will be a total disaster for Ruto if Raila joins him.”

“He will cause mayhem in his coalition,” said Ahmednasir.

He argued that the ODM leader will add no value to the second in command as he had lost his credibility especially when he decided to be President Uhuru Kenyatta’s subordinate.

According to Ahmednassir, Uhuru has finished Raila politically and the ODM leader has nowhere to run after burning bridges with his National Super Alliance (NASA) co-principals.

“Raila is not a tier-one presidential candidate anymore.”

“He can only play 2nd tier ie deputy president or prime minister, Uhuru knows the damage he has done to Raila and will inflict more, he knows Raila’s options are narrow, he can only be a factor if he endorses another candidate,” he added.

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