MAGUFULI changed my life where UHURU and RAILA couldn’t – Kenyan benga musician, ATOMMY SIFA, reveals the millions the late president gave him


Sunday, March 21, 2021 – Kenyan musician Tom Mboya Gaga alias Atommy Sifa, has mourned the late Tanzanian President John Pombe Magufuli as a hero who changed his life for the better.

Popular for his Luo songs such as Bible Love and Pain Killer, Sifa revealed the close relationship he had with Magufuli that the late president gifted him with a whopping Ksh6 million; the money he said has changed his life.

Speaking during the interview, Sifa revealed that he received a cheque of Ksh6 million from the fallen hero as a form of gratitude after he released a song in praise of the Head of State.

The artist released a song in praise of the late president dubbed, Rais John Pombe Magufuli praising him for his work ethic and his stance in the fight against corruption, and promoting the rights of the common man.

The song, Sifa says, was composed during the campaign period in Tanzania in 2020 when Magufuli was seeking reelection for another five-year term.

“I took the work to Magufuli’s Chama Cha Mapinduzi party offices and tried to access local radio stations to promote it. It was soon accepted and the wave swept even Magufuli himself,” he stated.

Pleased with the work, Magufuli asked the Kenyan artist to perform the song at his hotel in Chato village. This presented a chance for the artiste to meet with the Head of State.

“We had a short chat, and he told me he was impressed with my work, pledging to reward me,” he stated.

Days later, Sifa acknowledged that he received a cheque from Magufuli of Ksh6 million, with the promise of another session with him.

Sifa moved back to Kenya where he built a house and Rock City Jungle Resort in Homa Bay County – which opened its doors five months ago.

The Kenyan artist made headlines during the 2017 General elections after he composed a campaign song in praise of President Uhuru Kenyatta, and pushing for his reelection to the utter surprise of the ODM leader Raila Odinga and his supporters who started baying for his blood before he fled to Tanzania.

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