Meet the man who divorced private detective, JANE MUGO, and his current hot wife (PHOTOs)

 Sunday, March 7, 2021 – Controversial private detective, Jane Mugo, who almost became a global celebrity after a recent BBC feature, was married to a Nakuru-based businessman and upcoming politician known as Flasha Mwatha.

Mwatha proposed to the plus-size detective at Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort in Mombasa and put a ring on her finger (as seen in the photo below) but their marriage was short-lived. 

Before Jane fell in love with Mwatha, she was dating one of Sonko’s bodyguards by the name Morris Okalla.

Jane had a bitter breakup with Sonko’s bodyguard after she busted him with the wife of a senior city council official.

Jane’s ex-husband, Flasha Mwatha, moved on and found another lady to warm his heart after their marriage crumbled.

Mwatha, who is said to be eyeing a political seat in 2022 and is mostly seen with allies of Deputy President William Ruto, loves ‘big machines’ since his current wife is also a plus size like Jane Mugo.

See her photos.

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