NMS boss, MOHAMED BADI, accused of stealing millions of shillings meant for COVID-19 – Did UHURU appoint a thief?

 Tuesday, March 16, 2021 – Auditor General, Nancy Gathungu, has put Nairobi Metropolitan Service (NMS) on spot over the missing Sh 32.8 million meant for fighting Covid -19 disease in Nairobi County.

According to a report by Gathungu, NMS, the entity that took over the key functions of City Hall including health, irregularly withdrew Sh32.38 million from KCB on June 30, 2020, allegedly for payment of facilitation of health workers on Covid-19 rapid response activities.

“The management could not explain the basis of the facilitation, the authority to pay facilitation and expenditure could not be supported,” read part of Gathungu’s report.

The auditor could also not establish the whereabouts of some Sh182.07 million donated by the Danish International Development Agency and the county’s own contribution to boosting the war against the contagion.

“The special audit could not establish whether Danida funds were received and utilised at the NMS or the county government since neither of the two entities availed relevant documents,” it says.

Gathungu recommends further investigations be conducted to establish any criminality.

NMS is headed by Major General Mohamed Badi who was appointed by President Uhuru Kenyatta to head the city functions.

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