ODM welcomes RUTO to the fold and fires a warning shot to UHURU and ‘cerelac boys’ ahead of the 2022 polls.

Sunday, March 28, 2021 
– A prominent
Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Senator has said Deputy President William Ruto is welcome to team up with ODM Party leader, Raila Odinga, to win the presidency in 2022.

Calling the alliance between Raila and Ruto as a ‘Tsunami’, the Senator, who requested anonymity to avoid reprisals from his seniors, said Jakom is tired of betrayal and he will team up with Ruto to form a formidable alliance that will shake the country in 2022.

The senator, who is a close confidante of Raila, clarified that there are no permanent political enemies and the relationship between Raila and Ruto is just good.

He also said that Ruto Calling Raila ‘Mtu wa vitendawili’ is just for political reasons and there is nothing bad about their relationship as they can work together perfectly and form the best government ever.

The senator said Ruto and Raila worked together in 2007 and they won the election with a landslide only to be rigged by the deep state.

“The two have a history of working together and we have confidence that they will form the next government,” the senator said. 

E! News Blog

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