RAILA’s axe lands on MUDAVADI’s ally, CLEOPHAS MALALA, as he is sacked as the Senate Deputy Minority Leader and replaced accordingly for humiliating BABA in Matungu

 Wednesday, March 24, 2021 – Kakamega Senator Cleophas Malala has been removed as the Senate Deputy Minority Leader in a NASA Senate Parliamentary Group meeting. 

Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo of ODM was elected to replace Malala during the PG meeting held at Parliament buildings.

Malala becomes the latest casualty of the vicious purge by the handshake team.

Malala’s removal comes amidst a disagreement from the NASA coalition members over his ouster with senators from Wiper, ANC, and Ford Kenya supporting him. 

According to reports, Minority Leader James Orengo held a meeting in which he endorsed the removal of his deputy. 

The Kakamega Senator is an ally of Musalia Mudavadi of ANC which has recently fallen out with ODM. 

Malala’s troubles with the ODM leadership intensified when he supported ANC’s candidate in the Matungu by-elections.

The fallout between former NASA coalition members began after some of the coalition’s party leaders failed to show up at the controversial swearing-in of ODM party leader Raila Odinga as the People’s President.

Since then, Raila, Musalia, Kalonzo and Wetangula have expressed their concerns publicly with each side accusing the other of betrayal and failing to honor promises.

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