RAILA’s man and NASA CEO, NORMAN MAGAYA, needs our prayers as he battles the heart disease that killed MAGUFULI – LOOK!


Wednesday, March 24, 2021 – National Super Alliance (NASA) CEO Norman Magaya is a very sick man that needs constant monitoring.

This is after it emerged that he suffers from atrial fibrillation, the same disease that killed late Tanzanian President John Pombe Magufuli.

Astria fibrillation is a heart condition where heart ventricles are unable to pump blood or pumps with an irregular rhythm which may result in a stroke, heart failure, or even death.

“It is the worst that any person can go through.”

“I was sweating, my speech was slurred and I was struggling for breath.”

“When I got to Nairobi Hospital I was put on life-support,” Magaya revealed during an interview.

The condition caused him to pass urine every 10 seconds or 20 seconds.

Magaya has been battling heart attacks one after the other since 2017; something that saw him travel to India for further treatment.

The struggle coupled with medication has seen him lose a lot of weight from the giant of a man that he was before the attacks started.

“Before the heart complications started, I was 115kg.”

“But the doctors said with the treatment regimen I was supposed to be at most 83kg.”

“I am proud to say I am now 80kg,” he stated.

We wish him a quick recovery.

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