RUTO shocks everyone as he swiftly implements RAILA’s BBI proposals in his UDA party despite opposing it in the first place – LOOK!


Thursday, March 25, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto has caught many flat-footed with his recent move.

This is after he moved to implement former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s BBI proposals in his own party, United Democratic Alliance (UDA).

In the UDA Constitution unveiled today, Ruto has expanded the leadership structure to mirror that of BBI.

In the expanded structure, UDA will have one party leader with three deputies.

Notably, the party’s national leader will also not be its automatic presidential candidate, giving party members a cocktail of options to pick from during the National Delegates Convention.

Others are three deputy chairpersons, three-party deputy secretary generals, three deputy national treasurers, and three deputy national organizing secretaries.

The constitution has also given the party’s presidential candidate exclusive powers to nominate a running mate after securing nomination by the NDC, a complete departure from the Jubilee Constitution which requires that the party presidential candidate be nominated jointly with the running mate at the NDC.

The UDA outfit has also handed party members—which Ruto has described as hustlers—sweeping powers and whittled down the authority of its leader in a bid to cure pitfalls confronted in the Jubilee party.

Ruto has been on the frontline campaigning against Raila Odinga’s BBI which proposes to expand the executive and the legislature and it is ironic for him to have borrowed heavily from BBI to bring effectiveness in his UDA party.

Many expected that as an anti-BBI crusader, Ruto will stick to his guns even in practice, but as it turns out, BBI is too good to be ignored.

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