See how DP RUTO stripped WETANGULA naked – WACEKE may be smiling wherever she is


Thursday, March 25, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto launched a scathing attack on Ford Kenya party leader, Moses Wetangula when he appeared in an interview on Jalang’o TV on Thursday.

Ruto said Ford Kenya is a village party that is run and managed by villagers.

Ruto said that the Ford-Kenya party leader, chairman, secretary, and all officials come from Bungoma County.

“Why FORD-Kenya didn’t field a candidate in Machakos or Matungu,” Ruto asked. It’s because they only want to field a candidate where there is a guaranteed win.

Wetangula cannot win in Machakos, Msambweni and any other part of country except Bungoma. Even in their own county, they are sharing an equal number of Member of Parliament with Jubilee Party in parliament”

Jalang’o had questioned Ruto about the recent surge of his political influence in past by-elections where his candidates lost to rivals.

The DP said, “We are building a party with a consolidated base support not only in the village but also across the whole country.”

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