Shock as a doctor reveals that COVID-19 patients in Nairobi are praying for people to die so that they can get a bed – This is scary

 Thursday, March 23, 2021 – A doctor working in a private hospital in Nairobi has revealed how the Covid-19 pandemic has ravaged the busy metropolis especially after the emergence of the Third Wave as referred by health specialists.

In an interview with a local daily, the doctor who sought anonymity, said the hospital where she works has 24 ICU beds and all are full.

He said COVID-19 patients who are coming in huge numbers are praying for their colleagues to die so that they can free up ICU beds.

“I work in the COVID ICU-HDU in a hospital in Nairobi. We have a bed capacity of 24 and we are filled to capacity. We lose patients DAILY and as soon as it happens we have callers in line requesting for a bed,” the doctor said.

The Ministry of Health announced 1,130 new cases on Monday, the highest single-day jump reported this year.

The cases translate to a 22% positivity rate.

According to medical experts, the new strain of the virus is more contagious and deadlier.

Most of the patients require oxygen facilities at least 10 days after infection.

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