These are the two people who exposed RAILA ODINGA to COVID-19 – They should never be forgiven

 Friday, March 12, 2021 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is currently fighting for his life at the Nairobi Hospital after he contracted Covid-19.

According to his physician, Dr. Oluoch Olunya, Raila, 75, was diagnosed with the deadly disease after a series of tests from Monday.

Raila also confirmed that he has been diagnosed with COVID-19 and assured Kenyans that he will self-isolate for 14 days to prevent the spread of the disease.

“This evening, I received a briefing from the doctors who have conducted numerous and complicated tests on me for the last two days… While the tests were several, one important result, which I have authorized the doctors to make public is that I have been found to have been exposed to Covid-19,” Raila wrote on his Twitter page.

According to revered blogger and ODM‘s social media advisor, Robert Alai, Raila Odinga contracted Covid 19 when he was on a working tour in the coastal region.

Alai said Mombasa Governor, Ali Hassan Joho and his Kilifi counterpart, Amason Kingi, stressed Raila thus weakening his immunity.

As a result, Raila contracted COVID -19.

“Joho and Kingi should be blamed. They stressed baba in Coast. When we’re stressed, the immune system’s ability to fight off antigens is reduced. These people should not be given chance here,” Alai wrote on his Twitter page.

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