This is why late Tanzanian President JOHN POMBE MAGUFULI hated travelling abroad unlike UHURU who is a globetrotter

 Monday, March 22, 2021 – Ever since he took power in 2015, the late Tanzanian President John Pombe Magufuli rarely travelled outside his country for foreign trips.

Most African Heads of State love travelling abroad for shopping and medical tours but Magufuli, who was nicknamed ‘the bulldozer’, rarely travelled outside Tanzania.

During the late Magufuli’s funeral in Dodoma on Monday, newly sworn-in Tanzania President, Samia Suluhu, revealed why Magufuli hated to travel outside Tanzania.

Suluhu described Magufuli as a no-nonsense leader, who used most of his time-solving problems facing Tanzanians one on one.

President Suluhu said Magufuli disliked travelling, saying he felt like he was wasting time and instead chose to crisscross the nation inspecting development projects.

She revealed that Magufuli preferred sending her for nearly all foreign trips, adding that maybe it was one way of Magufuli preparing her for the big task ahead after he is gone.

“He believed in using most of his time solving problems of Tanzanians. He usually sends me out and that could have been a clear indication that something might happen in the future and that I will be well equipped to carry out the task of bringing together Tanzania and other countries,” she said.

Here in Kenya, President Uhuru Kenyatta is a globetrotter who makes several trips abroad every year.

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