UHURU and RAILA in shock as RUTO signs secret pact with 27 governors ahead of 2022 – The DP’s match to State House is unstoppable

 Sunday, March 14, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto seems to have shifted his focus from the public rallies to boardroom negotiations after President Uhuru Kenyatta banned political rallies in the country.

The DP is said to be targeting governors in readiness for the 2022 General Election.

According to sources, Ruto has signed a pact with at least 14 governors who are in their final terms.

The list of governors comprises county bosses from Western, Rift Valley, Coast, Mt Kenya, Eastern and North-Eastern regions.

Ruto has promised the governors in question lucrative jobs come 2022 and assured them that they will be part and parcel of his administration.

Other than the 14 who are serving their last terms, sources say another 13 first-time governors are also part of the pact.

These are tipped to land reelection spots if the Deputy President backs them for a second term. 

This means that a total of 27 county leaders, more than half of the county leadership, is playing Ruto’s ball, with their main assignment being that of mobilizing support for Ruto on the ground.

Some sources say that some governors have asked for more time to mull over the invitation before they can make their stand known.

Others, however, have asked for time to focus on the Building Bridges Initiative. 

Political pundits have been arguing that despite his perceived opposition to the BBI, Ruto stands to gain from an expanded Executive as proposed.

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