UHURU and RUTO may reconcile any time following divine intervention – This will spell doom for RAILA who is banking on their fallout

 Sunday, March 14, 2021 – Church leaders now want President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy, William Ruto, to bury the hatchet and move on for the sake of the country.

In a statement, the Kenya Council of Church Alliances and Ministries (KCCAM) urged Uhuru and Ruto to reconcile and deflate the ballooning tension and anxiety ahead of the 2022 General Election.

Led by the chair of the council Bishop Kepha Omae, the men of God said Kenya was treading on dangerous grounds if the next year’s elections come at a time when the animosity between the two leaders is still rife.

The bishop particularly pointed out the chaos that erupted during the recently concluded by-elections and said they denoted the anxiety that the two leaders have created.

 “The personal differences between the two of you have continued to create anxiety among the citizens. We ask you to guide the process of reconstructing what has been lost between you,” he said.

Uhuru and Ruto do not see eye-to-eye ever since the president shook hands with ODM leader Raila Odinga in March 2018.

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