UHURU’s man, BIG TED, shows his romantic side during his fiancé’s birthday – His ex-wife, SOPHIE, will hang after reading this sweet message

 Sunday, 07 March 2021 – State House Deputy Director for Branding and Events, Thomas Kwakwa, who is popularly known as Big Ted, has dedicated a sweet birthday message to his fiancé, Sheila.

Ted, a very close friend of President Uhuru Kenyatta, proposed to Sheila last year at Movenpick hotel in Parklands.

Before he met Sheila, he was married to another lady called Sophie.

Ted divorced Sophie due to frequent domestic wrangles.

His fiancé is turning a year older and just like what any romantic man would do, he took to social media and dedicated sweet words to her that left ladies jealous.

Ted turned poetic as he assured his fiancé that he will forever love her and promised to give her the best birthday gift because she deserves it.



 what makes you happy, 

 makes me happy too..

 What makes you sad

 Makes me sad too.

 Whatever comes against you.

Comes against me too.

I have been thinking too much about what to give you on your birthday. After all, you are the one who always makes surprises.

 This time I want to give you something that you will never forget or time will never take or money will never replace..the last supper !

 To the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, happy birthday! I am excited about today’s big day & I just couldn’t hide it. Thank you for your never-ending love for me. I wouldn’t be this happy now if it is not because of you.

 To more annoying days

 To discovering more fighting ways

 To more Laughed out Nights

 To more cupped up lights

 To more fighting LIFE together

 To more Loving LIFE together

 To more serving God together

 To Many babies , 2 Daughters & Cookie

 Then – Now & Forever


 TRULY……i was gonna miss out on this BUT heaven would not have any of it on the second round!” the lovely birthday message read.

Here are photos of his fiancé.

E! News Blog

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