Video of rogue Kenya Mpya conductors raining kicks and blows on a passenger along Thika Road – Is this Sacco employing goons? (VIDEO)


Thursday, March 18, 2021 – Kenya Mpya buses are associated with hooliganism and lawlessness on the road.

You might have heard cases of innocent Kenyans who have lost their lives in the hands of rogue Kenya Mpya drivers and conductors, who operate with impunity because they know that even if they are arrested, they will bribe their way out.

A concerned Kenyan has shared a video of some rogue conductors of a Kenya Mpya bus fighting a passenger along Thika Road.

The two conductors, who were not wearing the uniform as required by the law, confronted the middle-aged passenger and rained kicks and blows on him.

A social media user shared the video on Facebook and wondered when this madness will stop.

 “Kenya Mpya conductors, must you fight your passengers all the time?” he wrote.

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