We all knew UHURU would betray RAILA and now it is coming to pass – RUTO and his allies already celebrating BABA’s predicament


Sunday, March 7, 2021 – Siaya Senator James Orengo’s allegations about President Uhuru Kenyatta’s plot to betray former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and the handshake, have got the country talking.

Among those talking are Deputy President William Ruto’s allies, who said Uhuru’s betrayal of Raila was long overdue.

According to Nominated Senator Millicent Omanga, the betrayal was bound to happen as our brothers and sisters from the mountain never trust anyone but themselves. 

“All along I knew Handshake was built on quicksand.”

“I’m, therefore, surprised that some of you are surprised that it’s coming down like a house of cards.”

“Fact is, it wasn’t about if, but when it would finally crumble.”

“Let’s enjoy the spectacle,” Senator Millicent Omanga said.

Similar sentiments were echoed by Murang’a Senator Irungu Kang’ata, who was one of the senators kicked out of Jubilee over his links to Ruto.

According to Kang’ata, the so-called handshake is crumbling like the Tower of Babel, and that it was high time Raila realized he was played by Uhuru.

“I spoke in December via my letter about the use of “hard power” in politics and many thought I was insane,” Kangata said. 

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