EMMA OGUTU, the beautiful Luo lady whose posters were hanged in Kawangware branding her a husband snatcher speaks.

 Friday, April 16, 2021 – Emma Ogutu, the lady whose posters have been circulating on social media exposing her as a notorious husband snatcher, has vehemently denied the allegations.

Emma’s face was plastered on posters that were pinned on electricity poles around Kawangware at night, warning married women to be careful when they see her interacting with their husbands.

“Kawangware women beware of husband snatcher,” the posters read.

The beautiful Luo woman claims that she lives in Kitengela and has never set foot in Kawangware, where she is alleged to be snatching other women’s husbands.

“I’m in shock. Someone told me while I was at my workplace. I don’t know who could have done that because I don’t stay in Kawangware. 

“I live in Kitengela and I have never stepped in Kawangware,” she said.

Emma revealed that she has already reported the matter to the police and whoever hanged the posters to defame her will soon face the music.

According to city lawyer, Felix Kiprono, the person behind the viral posters could end in jail for defaming another person in public and invading her privacy.

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