Here is irrefutable evidence that RAILA sent OPARANYA to meet RUTO secretly over their looming coalition as he reports back to BABA what the DP told him


Saturday, April 10, 2021 – Kakamega Governor and ODM Deputy party leader Wycliffe Oparanya, yesterday visited his boss, Raila Odinga, at his Karen home, following what Oparanya called a ‘chance’ meeting with the DP at the Olare Motorogi Conservancy on Thursday.

Oparanya, who was accompanied by Devolution CS Eugene Wamalwa, relayed Deputy President William Ruto’s desire for a possible partnership with ODM and Raila.

The Kakamega governor stated that he had scheduled a business meeting at the lodge when he met the DP, former Agriculture CS Mwangi Kiunjuri, and his Sports counterpart Rashid Echesa. 

He indicated that he immediately contacted the party boss to notify him that he had bumped into the DP, who then gave him a go-ahead to meet him.

During their meeting, Oparanya said that they discussed possible alliances which could only be sanctioned by the party. 

The meetings have reignited talks of possible alliances between the DP and Raila ahead of the 2022 general elections.

At the same time, Oparanya stated that the meeting with Odinga was also meant to discuss how the ODM party would be strengthened ahead of the next election in 2022.

Additionally, the two are said to have briefed Odinga on new political developments in the Western region and what would be the best partnerships to form ahead of 2022.

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