Kenyans congratulate UHURU for banning UK travelers to Kenya after Britain did the same to Kenyans! – Time for playing soft and nice is over


Sunday, April 4, 2021 – Kenyans have taken to various social media platforms to congratulate President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Government for retaliating against the UK’s Government banning travelers from Kenya from entering its territory.

In an announcement yesterday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that travelers aboard flights from the UK will be subjected to a 14-day mandatory quarantine at their own costs as from April 9.

The government’s stern response impressed many Kenyans on Twitter who said the austerity measures announced were proper and timely.

Many noted the UK’s Covid-19 situation was much worse compared to what Kenya had experienced since March 2020 and its plan to red-list Kenya due to her coronavirus situation was thus incomprehensible.

Ex-MP Abdikar Aden waded into the discussion and said the decision by the foreign affairs ministry was certainly the right move.

One Twitter user, Ndungu Kahiu, said Nairobi has been so soft to London while Kinyua Wa Irungu said “Katambe” which can be loosely translated to “It’s on”.

“You see, playing nice does not work. You must respond like this every time we are slighted. Kenyans are not doormats, stop allowing us to be dusted by everyone from Somalia to South Sudan,” wrote Mtu Flani.

“This should apply to all countries if we really want to manage the virus spread and get Kenyans back to work. Should have happened months ago,” stated Basil Menachem.

“Good start. Just need to grow a little more balls to get more decisive. UK troops should be the next; they may have been the conduit for the resistant variant,” Arnold Lutalala said.

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