Kikuyus will never rule again if RAILA ODINGA and WILLIAM RUTO unite in 2022, warns former Molo MP, NJENGA MUNGAI


Monday, April 12, 2021 – Former Molo MP, Njenga Mungai, has spoken about the looming alliance between Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leader Raila Odinga and Deputy President William Ruto, saying it will deny the Kikuyu community a chance to rule the country again.

In an interview with Inooro FM on Monday, Mungai said Raila and Ruto command a huge following across the country and the chances of the duo winning the presidency in 2022 is high but might deny the Kikuyus the opportunity of ever ruling this country again.

“We can all agree that in politics anything is possible and there are no permanent enemies. 

“However, if the two join hands ahead of the 2022 General Election, then it will be over for our tribe to be on top of Kenya’s political landscape,” Njenga said.

“It will be decades for our people to clinch into power again as they have always done. 

“The two are experienced and command a huge following. 

“It is my prayer that the alliance will not form and the handshake to remain intact, “Njenga added.

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