MALALA goes wild on Governor OPARANYA days after meeting DP RUTO as he unearths mega corruption scandal in Kakamega – Look! The DCI should swing into action ASAP

 Tuesday, April 27, 2021 – Embattled Kakamega Senator, Cleophas Malala, has accused his Governor, Wycliffe Oparanya, of malpractices.

This comes days after Oparanya requested his ODM Party boss, Raila Odinga, to support his bid for the presidency in the next year’s polls after meeting with Deputy President William Ruto.

Speaking on Tuesday, Malala accused Oparanya of awarding county tenders meant for the Youth, women, and people living with disabilities to his cronies and relatives.

“Governor Oparanya has awarded Bush clearing tenders to his friends and relatives; tenders meant to benefit youth, women, and people living with disabilities from Kakamega County.”

“Kakamega County contracts should not be a preserve of a few selected contractors friendly to the governor,” wrote Malala.

He accused the governor of colluding with County’s Procurement Office to loot from the public coffers through the 12 contracts awarded to his friends.

According to him, the bush clearing tenders will be used to steal county money in the next two weeks.

He further lamented that the 12 roads valued at Ksh.4 Million each should not only be for a few individuals who are friends of the Kakamega Governor.

“If you look at the companies that were awarded the tenders belong to the friends of the governor.”

“His friends who helped him campaign in Matungu are the people that have been awarded the 12 tenders,” claimed Cleophas Malala.

He called on the Directorate of Criminal Investigations to look into the matter, adding that bush clearing requires no machinery or capital while questioning why Kazi Mashinani youths and self-help groups were not awarded the bush clearing tenders.

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