MIGUNA MIGUNA advises Kenyans on how to deal with UHURU if he extends his term beyond 2022

 Friday, April 9, 2021 – Self-proclaimed National Resistance Movement (NRM) general, Miguna Miguna, has given Kenyans a strategy of dealing with President Uhuru Kenyatta if he extends his term beyond 2022.

There are rumours in Kenya’s political circles that the Son of Jomo may extend his term to 2025 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

But commenting on Twitter on Thursday, Miguna Miguna urged Kenyans to do what Burkina Faso people did when Former President Blaise Compoure tried to extend his term in 2014.

When Compoure tried to extend his tenure, thousands of Burkinabes marched to Parliament Building and burnt it down.

Miguna, who is in exile in Canada, asked Kenyans to emulate Burkinabes and burn the State House if Uhuru tries to cling to power.

“I said that 3 years ago! When Blaise Compoure tried to do the same in Burkina Faso, the Burkinabes marched to Parliament Building and burnt it down. Compoure fled when they started marching to State House. The People of Kenya must give Despot Uhuru Kenyatta the same medicine,” Miguna wrote on his Twitter page.

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