MUDAVADI accuses RAILA ODINGA and ODM leaders of plotting to sabotage the BBI process – LOOK!


Friday, April 2, 2021 – Amani National Congress (ANC) party leader, Musalia Mudavadi has accused Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leaders of trying to derail the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) process.

In a statement issued by his spokesman, Kibisu Kabatesi, on Friday, Mudavadi said recent statements issued by the top Orange leadership are part of synchronized moves meant to derail the referendum.

“The one man-one shilling-one-vote benefit to Mt Kenya is huge and at the expense of presumed ODM support areas. ODM reasons that Mt Kenya will unfairly get the lion’s share of elected and nominated MPs and therefore more money,” Kabatesi stated.

He gave an example of Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya and his Busia Counterpart, Sospeter Ojaamong, who this week said BBI is not a priority for Kenyans.

“None other than two governors have let the cat of the bag. ODM deputy party leader Wycliffe Oparanya of Kakamega and loyal Busia governor Sospeter Ojamong are categorical the referendum isn’t a priority. 

“They cited Covid-19 as the reason. 

“But it’s the location of new electoral areas that’s the actual problem,” he explained.

He added that the explanations by the two governors are “part of the camouflage to legitimize ODM’s intended jettisoning from the referendum.”

“Fact is, ODM wants out of the referendum because it now smells a skunk. Unfortunately, it just doesn’t know how to exit. The sooner it plays honest the better,” he added.

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