Nairobi Company rescues KNH moments after suspending all surgeries and declaring an emergency due to lack of oxygen – LOOK!


Wednesday, April 7, 2021 – A Nairobi-based company has supplied Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) with oxygen tanks hours after an emergency was declared.

BOC Kenya Limited supplied the unknown number of tanks to the national hospital on Tuesday.

In a statement, KNH management celebrated the milestone noting that surgery services would resume as usual.

“Kenyatta National Hospital has received Oxygen thanks to BOC Kenya Limited.”

“This will enable the hospital to attend emergency surgeries as well as run Covid-19 facilities that cater for patients who require Oxygen support,” read the statement.

An earlier report had indicated that the hospital intended to discontinue elective surgery beginning Wednesday, April 7, after it had run out of oxygen.

The reports had also indicated that some patients would be discharged after the facility became overwhelmed with Covid-19 patients.

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