PHILIP MURGOR’s dream of becoming the next Chief Justice shuttered as his own family petitions the JSC not to consider him for the post – LOOK


Tuesday, April 13, 2021 – Senior Counsel Philip Murgor may never become the next Chief Justice after the retirement of David Maraga.

This is after his own family members petitioned the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) which is conducting interviews for the CJ position not to even consider him for the job.

The family signed a petition indicating that they do not support his bid to be a Chief Justice.

In the petition, two of his cousins accused Murgor of using four court cases to divide the family. 

“We understand each individual is entitled to legal counsel of their choice. However, the four cases above demonstrated an individual out to break family units without cause other than to be sadistic,” reads the petition by Murgor’s cousins.

Specifically, the two brought up the William Cherop Murgor succession case that has been in court since 2012, where the senior counsel is representing Enid Murgor, the petitioner, pitting her against other family members.

“We are concerned he has not used his knowledge and qualifications in law to provide advice to members of the Murgor family but narrowly to pit siblings against siblings as demonstrated in the following four cases, ongoing and settled in court,” adds the petition.

In addition, the two accused Murgor of taking over his late mother’s estate, excluding his siblings who allegedly live in abject poverty.

The former Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) has since responded to the allegations, dismissing them as lies. He argued that his cousins were bitter due to an ongoing family succession dispute.

“They will go to any lengths including lying to the JSC, if it will assist them in their objective to completely disinherit certain beneficiaries and dependents,” he said in a statement.

Further, Murgor stated that attempts at mediation in the William Murgor succession case had failed, on account of the recalcitrance of three of his cousins and their supporters.

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