RAILA gets support from unlikely quarters as MURKOMEN warns UHURU never to shortchange BABA as he did to RUTO – You must support the ODM leader in 2022 or else…

 Monday, April 12, 2021 – Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen has jealously defended ODM leader Raila Odinga, warning President Uhuru Kenyatta against shortchanging him ahead of the 2022 General Elections.

This follows the looming coalition between Raila and his boss, Deputy President William Ruto that is still in the pipeline ahead of 2022.

According to Murkomen, no one knows the effect of being hoodwinked than Uhuru. 

“It will be a mistake of monumental proportion for Uhuru Kenyatta to shortchange Raila Odinga when he knows that Daniel Arap Moi shortchanged Him (Tinga) for his (Uhuru’s) sake,” stated Murkomen, who is one of Deputy President William Ruto’s lieutenants. 

He further told the president that he must stand by his decision through the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) and support Raila in the next general elections. 

The senator also said that no one should worry about them – hustlers – because they have already made plans of their own.

His sentiments were echoed by former Member of Parliament for Mukurweini Kabando Wa Kabando and Lawyer Ahmednassir Abdullahi.

ODM Deputy Party Leader Wycliffe Oparanya recently met the DP and confirmed that Raila was well aware of their meeting.

Oparanya confirmed that Ruto had asked him whether they (ODM) could consider working with him. 

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