RAILA ODINGA is a visionary leader and cannot work with a patented thief like RUTO – KANU’s NICK SALAT says


Monday, April 12, 2021 – KANU Secretary-General, Nick Salat, has dismissed claims that opposition leader, Raila Odinga, is forming an alliance with Deputy President William Ruto ahead of the 2022 presidential election.

Commenting on Twitter on Monday, Salat said no sane leader can associate himself/herself with Deputy President William Ruto, who is a patented thief of public money.

Salat said Ruto can only associate himself with the likes of Kapseret MP, Oscar Sudi who is a busy body.

“Nobody wants to associate himself with Deputy President, but he is not alone he is with Sudi and the company. 

“Raila is a leader who has a good agenda and vision for this country,” Salat said.

However, political pundits and analysts have predicted a ‘tsunami’ if Raila and Ruto unite.

According to analysts, the two leaders command a huge political base and nobody can beat them even with the help of the ‘deep state’ and system.

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